Who are these guys?
If you're reading this right now (which you have to be, since you're reading this right now...), then you're probably familiar with Movember. During this delightful month, men around the world come together to grow their moustaches in order to raise funds and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer research, as well as mental health issues.
Team Moustache Gravy are but a few of these bold lads. Themselves a geographically diverse crew of friends, brothers, fathers and sons, they are bonded by their commitment to mens health, as well as their love of fine moustachery.
Since 2011, Team Moustache Gravy's annual Movember fundraising efforts have been anchored by the production of a moustache themed calendar. The proceeds go directly towards research and initiatives to improve mens health, as well as awareness and education efforts.
Support Movember and purchase your 2015 Moustache Calendar now!
For more information about Movember, please visit the Canadian Movember site
To make additional donations, please visit the Team Moustache Gravy page
2015 Calendar
Frequently Asked Questions
How large is the 2015 Moustache Calendar?
The calendar measures 11 inches across and 17 inches from top to bottom.
Wow, thats really big!
Thats what she said.
When can I expect delivery of my 2015 Moustache calendar?
That really depends on where you live and how you want it delivered. Delivery by mail costs money, so in order to keep costs down for everyone, we are offering hand(some) delivery in the downtown Vancouver area. Still want hand delivery, but live somewhere else? Just flip us an email ([email protected]), and we'll try to work something out.
We try to make sure that deliveries by mail go out within 48 hours of receiving the order. As to when it shows up in your mailbox? Thats a question for the mailman, because we don't really know. A week? Sounds about right to us. Based on previous experience, shipping to our European friends can take much longer...
Are the moustaches featured in the 2015 calendar real?
Every single nose neighbour and lady tickler featured in the calendar is 100% real. There are absolutely no fake moustaches used in this calendar.
Are all of these guys really from Vancouver?
Turns out that most people in Vancouver aren't really "from" Vancouver. That said, keep your eyes out for these moustaches in the flesh!
You say the cost of a calendar is $20. What if I want to give more?
Really!?! That would be the best! You can make additional donations on our Team Moustache Gravy Page on the Movember site. Or just buy more calendars...
Would this calendar make a good gift?
This calendar is literally the most perfect gift ever made.
Need a stocking stuffer? Done.
Need a gag-gift for that friend that has everything? Look no further.
Need a thoughtful gift for a visiting head-of-state? This is it.
Have to bring a gift to the office gift exchange? Problem solved.
You're welcome.
Are these questions actually asked frequently?
To be honest, we just made them up right meow. If we were to give an accurate name, they would probably be the Occasionally Asked Questions. It just doesn't have the same ring though.
Are any of the Team Moustache Gravy men on Tinder?
Maybe... but that's not the point. Just buy a calendar okay?
Taylor Swift's new album is actually really good.
Ummm what!?!?!.... that's not a question. You can't do that. That's not how it works. This is our FAQ. You know what, never mind...
My question isn't anywhere on this list. It's not very helpful at all.
Really? Maybe you shouldn't hijack our FAQ talking about Taylor Swift! If you still have a question or concern, please email us at [email protected] and we'll get right on it!
Best calendar I’ve ever seen!
This calendar is poised to change the world as we know it
Last Year's Calendar